A Community United: A Heartfelt Recap of Our Yard Sale

On Friday, August 9, 2024, the spirit of community was palpable as volunteers gathered at Church of Our Savior for our annual yard sale. The day began with a downpour, the kind of heavy rain that makes you question whether outdoor plans will be a wash. But as we pulled into the parking lot, the weather was no match for the dedication of our church family.

Susan, our fearless volunteer, was sprinting through the rain, closing the U-Haul lift gate and dashing inside as the storm let loose. The rain may have poured, but nothing could dampen the enthusiasm that filled the church that day.

Inside, the sanctuary was alive with energy and purpose. Tables lined the walls and the center aisle, piled high with treasures—everything from clothes and jewelry to power tools, electronics, and unique art pieces for our silent auction. Volunteers were everywhere, sorting, pricing, folding, and organizing, all with a shared sense of mission and joy. It was more than just setting up a yard sale; it was an expression of our church’s commitment to working together, hand in hand, to support our community.

After several hours of hard work, the setup was complete, and it was time to pause for some well-deserved pizza and camaraderie. We made space for the Friday night support groups that would be meeting later, welcoming them into the church’s embrace even amid our preparations. This spirit of hospitality and inclusivity is what makes our church more than just a building—it’s a home where everyone is welcome, no matter the occasion.

Early Saturday morning, the volunteers returned, ready to finalize the setup before the yard sale officially kicked off at 9 AM. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation as everyone scurried to finish their tasks. There was a crew meticulously arranging clothes, shoes, and jewelry, while another set up the refreshment stand, brimming with home-baked cookies, banana bread, and lemon poppyseed cake. By 8:45, the first eager shoppers began to arrive, and the yard sale was officially underway.

Throughout the day, the church was a hub of activity, buzzing with visitors and volunteers alike. From newcomers exploring the sale to seasoned members catching up over coffee and cookies, there was a sense of connection that went beyond the exchange of goods. By the time the crowd began to thin around 2:30 PM, it was clear that this event had been a success—not just in terms of the money raised, but in the relationships strengthened and new friendships formed.

As the sale wrapped up, the work continued. Decisions had to be made about what items would be stored for our next yard sale in November, what would be offered online, and what would remain in the church for the next two weeks in hopes of finding new homes. Amidst the packing and cleaning, the church was reset for Sunday Service, and it was all hands on deck to ensure the space was ready for the next day’s worship. The day was not just about clearing tables and counting sales; it was about community coming together with a shared purpose.

By the end of the weekend, our efforts had raised about $1,500—an incredible achievement that will support our mission and outreach. Items that remained were donated to the Poverello Thrift Store, a local nonprofit dedicated to providing food, shelter, and medical assistance to those in need. It’s a reminder that our work continues to ripple outward, touching lives far beyond our church walls.

What made this yard sale truly special was not the amount of money raised or the number of items sold, but the spirit of generosity, teamwork, and faith that filled every moment. We laughed, we worked, and we came together in a way that was deeply meaningful. As we look forward to our next sale in November, we carry with us the warmth and joy of this shared experience. Thank you to everyone who participated, donated, or simply stopped by. You are the heart of our church, and together, we are building a brighter future for all.

Check back soon for the date and time of our next pre-Christmas Yard Sale. We look forward to seeing you there, where once again, we will come together as a community united in service, love, and faith!


Forging a Bright Future for Church of Our Savior